A Spring so very different never I found
As I moved like an aimless ant round and round
to find winking pink flowers on the grassy ground --
at the crossroads of a fading Summer and a faltering rain
when drizzles enough had drenched them
painting the grass further green
inciting morning birds
to their bodies fondle and preen ;
the Koel moaning over the lost hour
of secret love
in the gnarled boughs baring ,yawning
and again softly murmuring
under the touch of the first shower
after their lusty drink of rain water
to burst with new twigs
under clouds’ sharp digs ;
the sparrows soaked , moving their bills
in a nostalgic search for youth lost
in the gaspings of cruel noons so hot ;
and the mynah couple sweetly aching
in Kadamba’s excited bowers
to enact amorous Radha-Krishna ,
when Gopis’ garments hung
in globe shaped clusters
of scented orange flowers
in the body of Monsoon love
under wisps of lean showers .
Comp. n copyright : saroj k. padhi
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