Friday 16 January 2015


Here the moon has lost idea of her own self
with  hangover of ‘salapa’ in night’s cold vein,
with the pristine stream’s eternal delight  in
soaking  in her ever burgeoning   rustic pain--

of days of wallow in hunger quenched by  mango seeds
of long bouts of  malarial sleep on bed of dry weeds
under low thatches, where the moon descends to hug
the tears of  their inexpressible sorrow’s obstinate bug
sqatting on their silent minds of profound innocence
where glowworms read startling chapters of patience ;

in face of no roads and for years no  visits by babus
and  with none to redress their  small, little woes ,
they have learnt one lesson so well in everyday  life
to love whoever comes their way, and love of strife .

I have forgotten myself here in dance with ‘Dhangdas’ and ‘Dhangdis’
In beats of their handy drums, with wooden horse rides and cool music
Let me not awake to my reality anymore and be lost into this joy ethnic .

@ saroj k. padhi  *16/01/15

N.B.   ‘Salapa’ is an intoxicating drink from a tree of the same name;  ‘dhangdas’,’dhangdis’—tribal unmarried boys n girls

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