Saturday, 26 July 2014


Dear God ,
kindly blow out this life
of  meaningless strife
with its sickening hurry
its rush for false glory
fake reputation
and  chestfuls of bursting fury ;
of road rage ,traffic jams
and for injury no balms

vegetables costlier than gold
love in form of body
cheaply sold
girls being trafficked
for the moneyed old

killings of heinous nature
open abuses of Nature
rapes and robbery
corruption and dowry
muddy looks
and  shoddy exchanges

of apathy to loving hearts
and no joy at the roots

of brutal deaths being hurled
at innocent humans
in name of religion
of death and damnation
in the name of a promised redemption !!!

comp. n copy right :saroj k. padhi 26/07/14

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