Wednesday, 30 July 2014


Why are you kissing the wet Kadamba

of my July love with your red bill
so shamelessly nibbling at my face
and  transporting me to  an uneasy thrill,
that to against  my will ?

Trying to dig at my  soaked womb under soft rain
and exciting my leaves to silent cries of sweet pain ?

I ‘m already under a shock of shivers inside
from the wind’s excited flick
driving me mad within
seeking  a relief quick !

Please don’t be so harsh with me , kind love
be tougher in your deal with me within
break into my spasms , shake me into quakes
thro   tremors from epicenter of your love profound
to which I always am so intimately and so deeply bound !!!

comp. n copyright : saroj k. padhi


sadness is a drooping deodar of day
under the shaded beams of moon
with a hope that light of someone’s love
will alight  from heaven very soon

sadness is what makes you so beautiful
as your branches tremble to speak
leaves shiver under moon’s  light flick
the breeze becomes your voice audible

you say you are thinking of something

under the cloud of imagination all full
I will not distract you from thoughts
but what about the play of beams
on your body driving the sun to frenzy
on the flip side, though not now visible !!

comp. n copyright: saroj. K. padhi 31/07/14


I will touch your soul
every  time you draw me
near your burns
that under beauty so starkly stare
I will not touch your body
but heal  it with
the brush of  some wishes
and  a balm of my prayer .

I will   for sure make you
an addict to my  soul’s love
as an aroma in sweet air
that  will  always elude you
like trails of shadows
chasing  bodies all  so very  bare .

Then at  last when  to a futility you’re cast
you will be the first to haunt my dreams
in the shadow of  the scented kadamba  tree
near my grave , with none to listen to or lament
over the wild  welter of your  growing screams .

There I  will touch the old wounds of your body
and the black burns of your  heart
under the shadow of a clouded moon
fulfilling all pending desires
to end all dark sighs and weak , hopeless swoon.

Comp. n copyright : saroj k. padhi

The hunger that burns
the Earth for the Sky
the colors for the eye,
also burns you and I .
The hunger that rotates
like a flitting butterfly
from the low to the high,
colors our dream sky .
The hunger of mouth
for drink and food
the hunger of belly
for fire and wood ;
the hunger of mind
for a fill of all desire
the hunger of soul
for freedom from mire .
Why are there so many hungers
that seem never to expire ;
the root of all actions
spilling ashes from the fire !
comp. n copyright :
saroj k. padhi. 30/07/14

Tuesday, 29 July 2014


You are biting your nails
as I gaze at the startled stars of your eyes
that seem to measure the depth of my love
in the hollows of my shallow body—

aching with the miseries of drought and flood
in the land of my  roots, in the flow of my famished blood .

You scratch the earth beneath your feet too
with your toes painted in the scarlet pain of my heart
that has been longing for you
since the dawn of the first sun in my life
with the promise of a salvation in your setting streaks

How much I long to be the pink flesh
under your tooth and nail
biting me slowly into an oblivion of sorts
before  scratching away the cover of illusion
from my face
with the touch of your feet
on the wet ground of my unconscious self
and sending my soul into a trance
in the chill of  your periodic silence !

comp. n .copyright : saroj k. padhi 30/07/14

Evening’s first breath
merges into miracles
of magic on wings of white petals
transforming  pains
into a silent bow to bliss infinite
meltdowns  of the day melt
into thin folds of a shimmering darkness
uncovering the mask
from the face of mystery
shrouding happiness ;
breezes of changing nuances
titillate the shrunken soul
back to an easy flow into the blue spaces
chanting the eternal words of love ;

while sitting on back of a rainbow
I inhale the aroma and the mist
of your enchanting formless body spread
across  the sky of my enthralled imagination !!!

comp.n copyright :saroj k. padhi.29/07/14


Talks with her ghost at night
don’t know how they set things right
but one night this ghost 
had lost her former keen sight
and entered a stranger’s body bright--
trapping a living , breathing soul
failed to recognize me in whole
and on a burning canvas of charcoal 
like an epileptic for long did it roll .

With blood oozing from her eyes
It held my hand soaked in white love
whispered words about possessing
my startled body , and I a frightened dove !

Rocked by this great shock
I was back to my self 
like a turtle recoiling its head 
into the abyss of an oblivion
wherein the night of shadows
vanished like an uncovered illusion !!!

comp. n copyright : saroj k. padhi .29/07/14


These white herons brooding near me
want to say something
as they retract their long bills ,
meditate for a while
look up to the cloudy sky
with no desire now to fly
as  their feet  on green grass 
get soaked in rain
the butterflies drunk enough descend
from long  lip-locks with flowers
to swirl  across their faces for sometime
and not  to come back to me again .

These herons with peace in their plumes
surrounded by butterflies of many  hues
transport me into joys
that at the heart of Nature lie
offering vision of God
beauty and bliss
for which human hearts always sigh !

comp. n copy right: saroj k. padhi 29/07/14

Sunday, 27 July 2014


I know you are there
alone smiling to self
as  I write here
about the birds
that come to sit
on  that bare tree
of our afternoon love
to invite new leaves to it
and unleash your spirit
from the hurts
of direct sun and shower
and bloom for you anew
millions of songs and flower

and as I gaze in amazement
at the tree and you from here
your silence kills me
with my growing hunger
to be the leaf of your desire
and soak enough rain
forming  a sweet bower
for the birds to sit with you
and smell the flower of our love
in full bloom inside hearts
under heaven’s perfumed shower !!!

comp. n copyright : saroj k. padhi/27.07.14

Saturday, 26 July 2014


Today’s love is a glow worm
in the concrete jungle of the night,
in  its  body there is no heat
only a flickering little light
causing  less of pull
and more of deterring fright ;

we are shadows at fun play
behind  the screen
of  life’s  live stage
bereft  of real beauty and  brain                
a spent force without might !

Our efforts to  effect change
are caught in a dilemma
draining us of the will to
choose the path that is right !!

we fumble  ,  we stumble
in this dark jungle,
in wait for a little love and care
in the midst of all battle scare
for a little warmth of heart
when love is just a painful cry
in this dark jungle of the night  !!!

comp. n copyright :saroj k. padhi 27/07/14


Is  this the  beauty of our society
where ‘love’ is a dirty word
meaning mostly the body
under a mind so shoddy
sex ,an accursed being
in affairs  oft  shady !

Are we the children of God
to rot like faded flowers
under thoughts so muddy ?

Here  relationships are either good or inimical
No  in- between tolerance zone
Between  differences  mutual
in the path of our journey
to a place all weird and dark
in company of the bloody  !!!

Comp. n copyright :saroj k. padhi 26/07/14


Dear God ,
kindly blow out this life
of  meaningless strife
with its sickening hurry
its rush for false glory
fake reputation
and  chestfuls of bursting fury ;
of road rage ,traffic jams
and for injury no balms

vegetables costlier than gold
love in form of body
cheaply sold
girls being trafficked
for the moneyed old

killings of heinous nature
open abuses of Nature
rapes and robbery
corruption and dowry
muddy looks
and  shoddy exchanges

of apathy to loving hearts
and no joy at the roots

of brutal deaths being hurled
at innocent humans
in name of religion
of death and damnation
in the name of a promised redemption !!!

comp. n copy right :saroj k. padhi 26/07/14

Friday, 25 July 2014


Why do you get scared of these scars on my heart ?
These silent marks of past courage 
that fought high tides of emotions 
storming the sea of life under love’s rage ?

These black battle lines from past wounds,
remnants of ancient volcanoes that
many moments of happiness did damage
burning fibres with molten lava of hate
puncturing arteries with poisonous gases
and leaving the crater to gasp for breath
and forming these dots of anguish
that survive loves’ untimely death !

Do not be afraid of the mutilated face of this heart
recreating scenes of recent horror killings of Gaza
now that there is ceasefire here and no damage
let me pray to love Divine ;and to seekers of true love
and peace, pay my heart’s deeply felt homage !!

comp. n copyright :saroj k. padhi 25/07/14

Thursday, 24 July 2014


Memory is mischievous
turning  me  into a bad boy
inside an old heart
drawing me to the bank
and making throw  pebbles of thoughts
into the secret pond of  heart
knowing not how I suffer
from love’s fatal blow--
a star--struck lover drenched
in  tears of dew
under a half-moon’s glimmering glow.

Why do I fall in love again and again
with  streaks of rosy hues
that like a subterranean stream flow
inviting my lusty heart to dive and dip,
deep inside into the waters of illusion
sucking in all my raw emotion
draining me of jubilation
to leave my heart wallow pathetically
under strokes of Time’s painful  castration ???

comp. n copyright: saroj k. padhi 25/07/14

Now no more I  love
your face my dear Love
without light of reflection
coming from above
for whenever I saw
an inkling of your image
on mortal faces
I fell for you in a craze
without thinking
I might burn in such love’s
fiery, temporary  blaze.

I watch you returning
into your watery grave
inside the lake of tears
where your image I save
as a pearl from a dead shell
that from the boat of desire fell
while trying to kiss the image of moon
on the shivering waters under a mad spell.

Comp. n copyright : saroj k. padhi 25/07/14


Ripples  in river’s heart
in a love so expectant
are now repentant
about the downstream boat
that they couldn’t touch
in an ecstasy of their frenzied flow
 in tune with dance in the wind
and dazzles of purple glow
on vast jugging waters that they move
writing refreshingly new lines about love
with the pen of breeze propelling
the ink of water to softly flow
white birds of love alight
to read verses of penitent love
shimmering and again vanishing
into undercurrents of death
from underneath tugging

ripples of evanescent love
so lovingly dying into waters
with their sadness melting into
merciful  smiles of trees on the banks
and benediction of shadows from hills
sending  cool wisps of thanks
now the ripples clap with joy
sadness of guilt to the peace
of blue sky doth fly
and paints of divine love
rotate on heaven’s bright floor
to the penitent heart giving a merciful reply !!!

comp. n copyright: saroj k. padhi…24/07/14


Now in a terror of love that I’m ,
let me close all  memories’  door
and  be away from my past
from  Love’s living ghost
that my mind does overcast
reviving  depressed corpses
of wounded love
from oblivion’s ashes,
making them instantly fall ,
revealing their ugly faces
on  life’s frosty floor,
urging me to irrational fear…

words of passion I long back I said
get  unconsciously repeated
as  yester night with a cute girl-
a present clone of the original-
in a hallucination  I talked

she recoiled with horror
and  I’ m in terror
was  she Ananda of Lord Budha’s new tale
in mortal love turned pale
and I , Prakriti who from grace fell ?

Help me recover
from this madness
of  love so irrational.
O God help me
while declaring my love
to be fair and rational !!!

comp. n copyright: saroj k. padhi—24/07/14

Tuesday, 22 July 2014


Lying on the morning grass of your dew-soaked body
as I tell ‘I love you’ , you shrink back with a big ‘why’
into the soft shivers of a dozing mimosa mumbling
in dreams about revels of last night under starry sky

inadvertently you push me  onto a stone where I lie in a pull
of blood that flows revealing colors of my injured love
I fall on the cruel crags of many a stony heart and bleed
with  clots of true love blackening on the body of wounded dove

What is truth? What is morality? And what is real love?
Perhaps suffering is truth in words appropriating feelings
that die into yellow body of drying grass where I lay
in expectation of a healing wind to blow across my wounds…

comp. n copyright: saroj k. padhi./22.07.14


love is an enchantment you feel
on the glazing face of the morning
not the sizzling hunger in the womb
of night that keeps us  so burning

love is body and yet not the body
a bird on flight and so moody
but not desires so common
on waters of needs all muddy

love is a forgetfulness of self
in prayer to god in silence
when all conflicts about possession
melt into nothingness, its essence.

comp. n copyright: saroj k. padhi/23.07.14


Am I  to blame if love was born ?

If  some remote resemblance
to the primeval face
such  love did occasion ?

You looked at me
and  I ,  at you
beats skipped heart
petals soaked dew

your eyes drenched
my dancing soul
with  wild aroma  
in every fold

wilted leaves  of desire
turned green
in ecstasy’s
tight  hold  !!!

Am I to blame
If love did flow
from your heart’s
secret glow

lifting all veils of body
from over the mind
wafting scented moon
to love’s new find ?

comp. n copyright : saroj k. padhi/22.07.14


Monday, 21 July 2014


There was a time
when the thousand blooms
on your face
even in shadow
of Spring’s presence
rocked the Sun’s heart
with riots of color
ripples of ecstasy
and rhymes of love;
inflaming its young body
to dive into the cold sea
of nocturnal sob
and  still your petals shied away
with the help of wind
from white kisses of flying dove

but now the scene has changed
turning blooms into brides’ hearts
where my lusty heart dare not  tread
for fear of birth of imminent love
prodding a poet’s heart
to prefer a self-consuming silence
inside the nest of a softly cooing dove !

comp. n copyright : saroj k. padhi/ 22.07.14