Thursday, 5 February 2015


This common slab shrinks back at the touch of your feet
lest its rough surface should hurt your sensitive soles

that are not used to webs of unruly faces of cobbles ,
but to gliding on petals of roses on passion’s warm swell
on the shores of my night’s mad dreams of which you dwell .

The lake’s waters drunk with your images at the brink 
blush at the moon’s jealous looks scanning your face ;
my body flagellates now into lush leaves of your choice--
ready to drop at your will, after you have sucked my soul
into your dark crevices, hollow spaces, leaving my trunk to fall .

But why are you so harsh this evening dear, with your cold looks,
Mind- jams, stiff- limbs , short, quick breaths , and false fears
when all Nature’s luxury you see are the produce of my tears,
in days and nights of my tryst with trees, streams all these years,
that dropped like pearls from plumes of birds in love with sweet nears--
to this slab which at the touch of your feet is now in mad, mad cheers !

@ copy right : saroj k. padhi 06/02/15

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