Monday, 23 February 2015


Sitting on the holy slab with half-shut eyes
under the light spell of a sky’s blue
as I try to think of how to meet you, my Lord 
 my heart skips a beat or two,
and in excitement as my eyes grope blank spaces,
a little bird from a nearby bush surprises
with a new song,
and tells me to go round those  bushes
with flowers red, white, pink, purple and blue,
pick up the wounded, wilted ones,
hold them close to my heart and pray
in tune with her song in its sweet, soft sway;

enchanting the wind  my broken strings to play--
in imitation of mythical songs of union with the divine
that you inspired to flow with eternal glow
in hearts of devotees like Dasia Bauri, Salabega ;
reinforcing my conviction thro’ profound songs of Bhakti raga…

I can see a hazy picture of my Lord beckoning me
From a distance very long,
I don’t know how  long it will take
for my song to assume the real aplomb .

@copy right : saroj k. padhi/ 24.02.15

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