Saturday, 21 February 2015


Petals that bled from wounds inflicted all over
from slings of hate, unconcern, jealousy and anger
wallow long in dark under night’s  thin cover
to wilt and shiver,
in my soul’s pocket under worries’ hot fever
as again I return to the first step after lisping a short prayer .

Putting the sacred dust to my fore head
I kneel to my lord praying for His kind pull
across time and space ,
when I listen to the cry of wounded shells on the nearby shore,
of turtles’ silent anguish with their breaths melting
into deathly cuddle of sands bleeding
under shadow of sentient Casuarinas whispering
about agony of thwarted love , about the noise of souls sinking
into dangerous quicksands of promises
made under the shade of those once- upon- a- time- erotic- trees,
about the pangs of hunger in the womb of  fishermen’s cottages
about the anguish of beggars on their daily whining carriages.

Let me hold my breath before I try putting my next step,
let me be poised in my mind and steadfastly hold on to my prayer
for I don’t walk  just a simple walk to my lord’s door with
offer of any drooping or artificial flower.

O lord, revive my crumpled flower back to its freshness
heal my distress to some extent so that I  glide to the next step
and achieve in my meditative journey somewhat  a little success .

@ copy right : saroj k. padhi 22/02/15

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