Friday, 27 February 2015


Dreams lurk in each corner of her bud-like eyes
With only two upper petals open to let light in
Into the soul of her thoughts that run amuck
Like imagination of a poet in love with jasmine ;

Half shed tears in rare a tryst with a smile in early bloom
Cast across the sky of her cherry cheeks tell
A story of severance from roots and at the same time
A new pact with destiny for a new life in to regale ;

Lost in sight of the apocalyptic vision of a crow
Swooping down to the breast of a flaming Palash
With its caw filling the morning air with lofty cries, 
When the koel's counter bursts forth giving joy in surplus !

Hours of silent communion spent on those rocks
At Barabati with eloquent whispers of wind 
From the hot pink bougainvillea in the behind
Have taken wings to two souls into a knot firmly bind ;

She waits for her love in each of her silent syllable 
On lips of a thumping heart , to her lover's heart to tumble .

@copy right: saroj k. padhi/ 27.02.15

Thursday, 26 February 2015


I’m a piece of stone here
Fallen to the ground
From the wall of an ancient temple
With no personal sound,
But with silent echoes of years of biting loneliness
In absence of my soul’s love around,
In ruins that me surround
The voice of an eternity does  resound ,
In the hollows of my being
Letting the mellow afternoon wind to sing
In sounds of digging of artisan hands
That have been devoured by a greedy brown Earth
To be spewed across the shore of our living as common sands .

Today the surface of my unpolished body
Is being caressed by hands of a lonely Spring
Trying to revive the sensations of young love
With its familiar ring,
When Time’s camera veers away from my face
To reveal the weather-beaten face of eternity
Under severe attacks from arrows of Time’s harsh sling.

@ copy right : saroj k. padhi/26. 02. 15

Wednesday, 25 February 2015


Why am I always in love with excesses of elements?
Wind in excess that blows past 
your sweet soul , doesn’t fill my lungs 
nor me,
the aroma of your increasing desires therein
too doesn’t fulfill me !

Rains from the sky that falls drenching your name
And that my peacock soul drinks on ,
Doesn’t fully quench me !

Thoughts about you 
Hunger for more space in mind’s ether
Always vibrant with images of you,
Doesn’t even suffice for your complete view !

The dust in my mind sketching your image in air
Or memories scribbled by your aroused feet
On the body of Earth want to gobble more land
To accommodate more and more of you !

The fire of longing for you rises
Across centuries needing more and more of fuel
From my liquid soul pining for you !

Why do I need every element in excess
To feel you, to get you, to be one with you !
Who will tell why this way I love you !

@ copy right : saroj k. padhi/ 26/02/15


One sigh from the corner
Of your eye
 At the fall of brow
Though slow ,
Is potent enough to break
An entire civilization,
And the Konark of my imagination--

That crumbles into slabs of loneliness
On dried grass of Summer
Away from the joys of waves
In sea of your eyes’ morning glitter
Where birds of my love flutter
With their endless chatter!

Was this a sigh of
Your inadvertent response
To the shadow of my evening
Or a reaction to my new birth in the offing ?—

I don’t know,
But I find myself poised now
Into an eternal wait,
For these occasional sighs
In fall of eyes
Thro’ my love to awake soon
To land of our new boon;
Not to forebode doom
But to transform them into new songs
of Love  in vernal bloom.

@ copy right :saroj k. padhi/ 25.2.15


Night squeezes herself into a few drips of darkness
To jump and die into the cascades of your hair
Tumbling down to touch the fringe of my dreamy looks
Afloat in the air,
To rest at last on the waves of your walk
In a spirit sublime and fair,
Across time’s street into the forest of eternity
Echoing my love in tunes silent
From the strings of my new lyre .

Hold me before my breath is muzzled
By the intricacies of its webs
Turning in connivance with night
Into clammy cells of honey
Where love is a sweetened wonder
In smallest enclosures of dew in fire !

@ Copy right: saroj k. padhi


Awake to a nightmare I stumble
on the corridor of my broken dreams of the night
to find my house in ruins under a deluge from a black sea,
my roof and walls all gone in the sweep
of a super cyclone,
my breath biting earth of my homestead land
that smacks of Time’s defeat in the womb of an eternity;

when the seven sages from God’s land
appear with their look of compassion
and I rise to see God in eyes of a big fish floating
in the blue expanse of the sky
with slow drizzle of compassion from love soaked eye
telling me to go up the stairs
in search of the real sight lying a few more steps high.

@ copy right : saroj k. padhi 24/02/15

Monday, 23 February 2015


Sitting on the holy slab with half-shut eyes
under the light spell of a sky’s blue
as I try to think of how to meet you, my Lord 
 my heart skips a beat or two,
and in excitement as my eyes grope blank spaces,
a little bird from a nearby bush surprises
with a new song,
and tells me to go round those  bushes
with flowers red, white, pink, purple and blue,
pick up the wounded, wilted ones,
hold them close to my heart and pray
in tune with her song in its sweet, soft sway;

enchanting the wind  my broken strings to play--
in imitation of mythical songs of union with the divine
that you inspired to flow with eternal glow
in hearts of devotees like Dasia Bauri, Salabega ;
reinforcing my conviction thro’ profound songs of Bhakti raga…

I can see a hazy picture of my Lord beckoning me
From a distance very long,
I don’t know how  long it will take
for my song to assume the real aplomb .

@copy right : saroj k. padhi/ 24.02.15


Being on the second step suddenly I remember
having forgotten about a holy bath
before I meet my Lord
for I have to see him with my inner eyes…

This bath under showers of rain from dew
dripping from twigs, leaves, petals and boughs
soaks deep inside,
to  cleanse the soul before I offer my prayer
for God to inspire the real view…

I sit down to chant my prayer
when aroma from clusters of mango buds
sweep the mind’s floor,
chatters of birds blow million conchs,
sounds from Grand Road die into whimpers
of mortal desires lost into an infinite blue ,
and the spell begins to quell the noise inside
under the cast of my Lord’s hue.

@copy right: saroj k. padhi/ 23. 02. 15

Saturday, 21 February 2015


Petals that bled from wounds inflicted all over
from slings of hate, unconcern, jealousy and anger
wallow long in dark under night’s  thin cover
to wilt and shiver,
in my soul’s pocket under worries’ hot fever
as again I return to the first step after lisping a short prayer .

Putting the sacred dust to my fore head
I kneel to my lord praying for His kind pull
across time and space ,
when I listen to the cry of wounded shells on the nearby shore,
of turtles’ silent anguish with their breaths melting
into deathly cuddle of sands bleeding
under shadow of sentient Casuarinas whispering
about agony of thwarted love , about the noise of souls sinking
into dangerous quicksands of promises
made under the shade of those once- upon- a- time- erotic- trees,
about the pangs of hunger in the womb of  fishermen’s cottages
about the anguish of beggars on their daily whining carriages.

Let me hold my breath before I try putting my next step,
let me be poised in my mind and steadfastly hold on to my prayer
for I don’t walk  just a simple walk to my lord’s door with
offer of any drooping or artificial flower.

O lord, revive my crumpled flower back to its freshness
heal my distress to some extent so that I  glide to the next step
and achieve in my meditative journey somewhat  a little success .

@ copy right : saroj k. padhi 22/02/15


As my liquid soul flows and pines to flow still more
 in rhymes of pent up agony from life’s constant blows--
in myriad forms of rudeness of unloving hearts galore,
 cruelties of  sadistic hands reeking of souls’ ugly sore ;

I fail to decipher million intricacies of your many designs
the mysteries under which this life of ours strangely signs ;
the enigma of wind caught  in fire, the endless replica of desire
the stories of hunger in midst of plenty and filth under shower ;

petals of my morning flower that awoke to many miracles--
of hot pink glories writ newly in hearts of  ecstatic lovers  ,
now droop like deodars under a scorching sun of summer
in the swelter of gasping throbs in heart’s secret chamber ;

don’t know when these petals crumpled as I put my first step
on the first of the twenty two steps leading to your sanctorum
I retreat again to refresh those petals with prayers’ fresh sprinkles
Not knowing when they will return to their shiny original twinkles  !

@copy right: saroj k. padhi /21.02.15

Friday, 20 February 2015


Wounded, my petals droop into a darkness
pervading in the garden
moments of hurts and  betrayal ;

lilting to touch of balm in soft palms
of flowers absorbed in an evening prayer,
spreading incense from invisible souls
that burn under mists of doubts’ thick layer;
raising questions about the possibility
of those bleeding hours of past being able
to redeem  themselves in a purifying fire !

Breaths of flowers under night’s bower
take on a strange white tinge
from the spectre of day’s fire
that burned coagulated blood
while raising a crucial speculation --
as to how and when  all our dreams will
merge into a certain  peace of earth’s mire
bringing an end to all forms desire !!

Flowers chuckle to tunes
of birds in silence composing soul’s
new songs of a rising smokeless fire,
the moon comes down to my palms
to declare the end of all hurts
and the birth of a new silence
from womb of noisy thoughts
propelling the sentient night
to bask under a real  meaningful moment
of awakening into the flames of
a silent desireless desire !!!

@copy right : saroj k. padhi/ 21.02.15

Thursday, 19 February 2015


Trees ablaze with love’s fire or studded with blooms of sweet desire !
These rising flames tell all about the passionate Spring’s story entire ;
As a boy as I climbed to their topmost branches , sucking in fresh juices
Watching river Birupa, with songs tumbling out of her secret sluices ,
Weaving dreams about my new golden ideas of more and more loots
from difficult bodies of thorny  bushes yielding berries from shoots ,
after drink from the river in love’s simple quiver sparkling in flashes
drenching face as I bent down to slap the waters to cute wild splashes .

Do not know when the flaming Palasa grew up so fast as to be abuzz
with scandals about my love doing rounds in their aroused branches,
in hums of  wild bees, in songs of breezes and birds’ excited screeches
in whispers of some dwarf trees around , about my heart’s secret itches .

The forest is awake now to many such stories of new love being written,
in hearts of new lovers drawn to dwell in such secret branches smitten--
by arrows from God of love at the advent of a new Spring and spreading
the myth of  Goddess Parvati cursing God of Fire who had disturbed her
in her privacy with her consort Lord Shiva and incurred her fiery anger.

Hence the God in flames of petals keeps writing stories of love in air
And keeps ablaze in million hearts love’s time- old sweet , lovely fire.

@comp. n copy right : saroj k. padhi/ 20.02.15


(S)He is Love in the womb of radiant  light
A profound feel of joy  at each soulful sight;

Always a thrill, even in a shrill bird- cry
Every word of love writ in heart of sky;

A rainbow that emerges thro’ tears of soul
A smile that rustles thro’ a leaf’s rise and fall;

A  silent glory writ in heart struck with love
A water-less rain drenching love’s cute dove;

On wall of pining heart a nameless eternal blob
A silent pang in remote corner of every throb ;

A peace that rises from tears of wordless love;
A bliss eternal in endless showers from above.

@ copy right : saroj k. padhi/ 19.02.15

Wednesday, 18 February 2015


Why do there some wounded petals always haunt me
Especially in my hours of loneliness when the wind sings
In voices of shells robbed of their precious shiny pearls ,
When hunger in shrunken bellies gives out pathetic calls ?

In such moments of distress petals show their lovely faces
In colours of coagulated blood oozed from animals sacrificed
At shrines, staining so called civilized human blood with vices,
Sending stars into piteous cries in breast of a sky fleeced ;

Cursing  mankind with a bleeding moon on the forehead !
The petals whisper on about the nightmares lurking in night
Broken in the twig they tend to overtly withdraw from sight
I suffer thus from pangs of petals crushed, in their sorry plight,

Who will bring the petals of my roses back to their breath right
Who will bring an end to their sobs, tears, anguish and fright ?

@copy right : saroj k. padhi / 19.o2.15


Spellbound, the stars gaze at the flame
Rising to the top of hearts’ Shiva temple
Bringing an end to our wait for peace,
Making life a prayer earnest but simple ;

Where spring of joy is in a constant flow
From a conviction in a rising compassion,
Where light of love burns crusts of desires
Raising the sentient soul to a  final vision ;

Of the understanding of the glory of life as
A flicker of that light at the top that splays,
In the wind, fighting all vague shadows
In dance of fire that the Lord sweetly plays,

Uniting all images in sanctum of the Heart
Of God who prevails at the end and at start.

! saroj k. padhi/ 18.02.15


ONE evening while flirting with my Love
I said “Why do you always compare me with Moon ?
Do you think I like it? In fact I hate that Moon
that comes in between so often us late or soon
while I’m enjoying love’s timeless boon ;
like this garland of tuberoses on my braid
look, how it blunders on  to my face again and again
while you try to taste the plum on my lips,
the naughty Wind  pouts in taking half of my joy away.
Look how your divine touches are made to drift away
by a conspiratorial Moon and a naughty wind
handling whom so difficult it I find
except this Kadamba tree
that truly loves me.”

Do you know Govind, when you are not around
Thousand grape soft hands of yours do my body surround
With flying  kisses from his falling leaves
Under whose shower my love breathes ,
I smell you in his bark, boughs and his soul in beams
I love you in the whispers of his supple dreams
His liquid soul drips onto my breast in drops of tear
When after a long absence with him I’m  there.”

At this my eternal lover smiled like my shivering love-tree
And for all this He is perhaps jealous now not to leave me.

@ copy right : saroj k. padhi/ 18.02.15