Tuesday, 30 December 2014


December’s drizzle dampens the pyre of memory
glowing like a moon behind  dense evening mist
exuding wisps of silent gloom without any heat,
reviving that old fire in one past beguiling eye that
had stormed the sea of my love
throwing me away and  smashing my dreams’ surfing fleet ;

and years after…
it has sullied life of those slum dwellers under  a fiery flame
who having lost place of their living, play violence’s dirty game,
pelting stones, inviting  the wrath of bullets and tear gases
that is soon mourned by the river’s heavy-hearted wind
crawling on old knee without any visible solution to find .

Tell your drizzle to stop, December
stop putting us in the throes of bloody violence in every form,
be it the unthinking bayonets  of Maoists or Bodo extremists
or lurid silence of fellow humans when someone is doing harm ;
after all you know how it pains to live under such chilly rain
when the new year is just around the corner
allow at least a few dreams to flow thro’ this shivering pen .

comp. n copy right : saroj k. padhi, 30/12/14

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