Wednesday, 20 August 2014


Shattered  by the ceaseless showers
From an insistent  cloudy sky,
Battered by a rough wind,
Bitten by bees and beetles
And  by each passing butterfly;

I bleed, I fall as thousand  shreds of petals
On leaves and grass beneath my feet
Soaked in  by the Sun all  dry
And  know not how to hold on
In the face of ravages
Wrought by my own cunning lovers
Who called me softly by my million names
Before kissing   me away to their formal ‘ bye’
As I shrank  like a bride new and shy.

Now look how they still continue to suck
From my  nameless wombs
The nectar from  honeycombs
As they plod on my body with their fling
And their  ruthless sting
I  quiver , I shiver before
I recollect those words of love spoken then
I compose songs of my broken wing
Before to you all I sadly  but sweetly sing.

Comp. n copy right : saroj k. padhi


  1. Simply MARVELOUS...The beautiful nature and the honey bee are presented in an outstanding way by you in this poem.

  2. thnx sagarika for lovely comments
