Monday, 30 March 2015


Fairies in flight drop shadows of lovers on my street
Who get drunk enough with wind to move their feet,
And squat down to listen to a song from a night bird
That has lost its way back home and intends to be heard;
When leaves are driven out of their stay in half lit pits
Like torn letters of love where scattered memory sits;

Rapt the trees listen to the echo of voices of solitary beings
That pass along the street, pulling at their hearts’ taut strings ;
To remind us of the Evening Star that grew so much stunted
After years of chase behind a proud Moon who got violated
By a casual Sun , to bleed and let souls bleed like flowers wounded ;

The Moon peeps from the chinks in wall of the bi-coloured Sky
When the giant lizard of a trailing black cloud darts by
Devouring the Moon and the Star
As the fairies keep looking at this cosmic event
From the doors of heaven flung ajar;

Making us realize the frailty of human love
Turning fleshes into shadows
That are rocked like cradles by hands from invisible above .

@Saroj k. padhi / 30.3.15

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