Friday, 23 January 2015


You may be wondering why all these metaphors?
Why so many pauses, excuses, pains and tremors?
Why commas, colons , bufferings and exclamations
rehearsals, monologues, solitude and  reflections
before making a simple, sincere declaration of love
that resounds in the entire being with vibrations ?

Why does one churn a sea of thoughts,  fantasies and fears ;
burn all energy enervating time with strange anticipations !
Why does it cut with convention’s shears, distancing the dears !
Why this trauma of youth and drama of dreams in interiors !

Is it an eternal symptom of youth or a syndrome of the age ?
Whatever be the ways,means, causes or  the consequences ,
unaware it strikes each us in life at some mysterious stage !

@ copy right : saroj k. padhi/ 23.01.15

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