Friday, 30 January 2015


Why do the hands of wind intervene
in affairs of my heart
like scribbling a dash of your name across 
the thin layer of dust
on glass of my car at the bust
inspiring a silent love lyric in my car’s heart
leaving it unmindful after the unwilling start
and scripting an epic of poetry in my mind ?

I look into its mirror to find your image
and the mirror blushes in humour
at such a funny imaginative encounter
between nuances of feelings merging 
into a subconscious self’s romantic other !

Looking still deeper into your eyes
I see how I’m caught in the storm of the sighs
that raise the sea of my wavy emotions to swells
at the centre of which perhaps true love dwells.

@ copy right: saroj k. padhi. 29/01/15

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